
Hydrotherapy Can Improve Your Life


Relaxation & Stress Relief

When you experience stress, your body reacts by tensing muscles in the ‘fight or flight’ response. This tension can adversely affect your health by causing headaches, increased blood pressure and numerous other reactions in your body.

This is why hot tub hydrotherapy is so beneficial! In water, your body becomes buoyant which relieves the physical stress of gravity on muscles and joints. This allows muscles to relax and blood flow to increase.

As the water flows around your body, you experience gentle massage on your skin which relaxes you even more. As the tension ebbs away, your blood pressure reduces easing the stress on your heart and lungs. Endorphins are naturally released into your system which are natural anxiety and stress busters. 


Immune System Boost & Healing Detox

Hydrotherapy provides natural and effective support for your body’s healing process.

Soaking in warm water allows your muscles to relax which promotes increased circulation. The reduction of stress on your circulatory system allows your body to send disease fighting white blood cells through the bloodstream to fight and discard built up toxins.

As the toxins are flushed from your system, inflammation and congestion are reduced, digestion is improved and your immune system receives a healthy, natural boost.


Injury Rehab & Pain Relief

When recovering from an injury, hydrotherapy can help relieve pain and speed up recovery. The warmth and buoyancy of spa water allows your muscles to relax and makes it easier to move and regain function.

In addition to relaxation, blood circulation is increased and inflammation is decreased which helps relieve pain and promotes the healing process from within.

Improved Natural Sleep

A soak session in your hot tub can be a great natural alternative to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

The warm water relaxes your body, helping to release natural pain and anxiety relieving endorphins. Your blood flow increases and your core temperature slowly drops.

Now that you are relaxed and the endorphins have helped relieve anxiety and pain, the reduction in your core temp is what signals your body it’s time to sleep. You’ll drift off quickly and awake refreshed and without the groggy aftereffects of medication.



Fibromyalgia & Arthritis Pain Relief

Hydrotherapy can help relieve the pain and symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Arthritis in a number of ways.

The warmth of spa water allows your muscles to relax and buoyancy in the water reduces stress on joints. Endorphins help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. These all work together to allow freer movement for range of motion exercises.

Additionally, water provides natural resistance which helps to strengthen muscles and increase stamina.